Monday, October 21, 2013

August 19, 2013

Hello Utah!!!
My companion received a post card today from Utah and I will be honest.... it was not a very pretty picture haha I never thought I would think New York was prettier than Utah! But as we rode on the ferry to Manhattan this week to go to the temple (we did baptisms with a less active couple!!!), I took a few pictures of the city and it definitely beats the Utah post card haha I will try to send you the picture if I have time!!!
So this week was great!!! We were able to meet with several new people, thank you for your prayers. One family we taught had an 8 year old boy, Damien, and when we told him that his family could be together after we die his eyes got really big and he cheered 'YES!' with a little fist pump haha so cute! It just reminded me of how joyful our message is to people. We are truly sharing glad tidings of great joy!  We also had zone conference this week!! My companions and i sang I stand All Amazed in Portuguese.. FUN!! And then the closing hymn was the spanish district singing "Joseph Smith's First Prayer' to "come thou fount" and I was overwhelmed with tears of love. I just love this gospel and this mission and this life!!! I get so stressed over little details and then I realize that I am serving the Lord and I only have 13 months left! That's crazy!!! I need to be spending every second loving and living the gospel and sharing it with everyone. Sorry.. I kind of got of track... hah so zone conference.... I loved it. One of the first things President Calderwood said is "you need to find joy in the hard times as well as the good times" and he really emphasized that if we aren't enjoying our time here we aren't doing it right haha so I am happy to say I am finding so much more joy in this work now. Did we reach all of our goals this week? No. Did we get shot down a few times? Possibly. But did I grow closer to my Savior? Yes. And that is such a blessing. Another thing they talked about at zone conference is perspective and attitude. I have definitely come to realize that attitude is everything. Looking for the good in every person, every situation, every day, is how we find it! And there is so much more good in this world than we realize!!! Of course it is not found in the world but is God's tender mercies to us to remind us that life needs to be enjoyed, not just endured and that He wants to help us return back to Him. He is incredible. Another subject that we talked about was our patriarchal blessings and how they help us remember who we are and who we can become. I know with all of my heart that our patriarchal blessings are real and can help us with any decision, doubt, or distraction. The Lord is so willing to help us, we just need to turn to Him.  Also, sometimes we get very confused and stressed out in this chaotic world (well at least I know I do haha) but we just need to remember WIN... What's Important Now. That little saying has helped me a lot this week. What is important now?? Who needs help? Who is searching for love and friendship? I invite you to ask yourself this question when you feel like you have so much to do and so little time. Through the spirit we can recognize what is important now and then be able to do it with His help.  Heavenly Father really does want what is best for us! He is so loving and giving. We need to make sure we are thanking him by obeying him. One quick experience I want to share with you.... on Saturday we were able to go to the temple with the Youth and a less active couple! It was a beautiful day with humble feelings and wonderful people. I was drained that afternoon and was having a really hard time staying awake during studies. But I prayed and asked for strength and then through small and simple ways I was guided to read the story of Mary and Martha. I realized that I am Martha! Always stressing and worrying about the little things when I should be soaking up the spirit and learning from my Savior!! That small moment has helped me a lot. I am so thankful for the life of the Savior. I am very thankful for the apostles and prophets who share their testimonies and experiences of the Savior with us to help us learn for ourselves that we are not alone. I love my Savior. His work is perfect and through Him we can become better if we will have faith, repent, and remember to endure to the end.  D&C 100 describes it perfectly for missionaries. I know you are in His hands and I am so thankful that I can turn to Him every second of every day. He lives. Turn to Him.
I love you. 
Love, Sister Meyer 

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