The Little Things:)

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Well another year is
almost over!! I can't believe it. It's been a crazy awesome year and I am super
pumped for 2014!!! Hope you all had a great Christmas!!
This past week was
full of tender mercies. I am so thankful for modern technology!! We were able
to skype into the Christmas Eve Devotional in New York with all of the
missionaries!!!! I got to see some old companions and dear friends which was so
cool! And we also received an improved mission vision for this next year!! It's
still the same theme of becoming forever changed but it now includes some
important stuff about the Lord hastening His work and our role in that as
missionaries. Members are still the key to the work of salvation moving forward
so make sure to include some sort of missionary goal for your new year
resolutions! :) haha So after we watched the devotional we went Christmas
caroling to a few members and neighbors and investigators! So many people said
that they have never had carolers before! SAD! But then again... I am in
Bermuda. haha sometimes I forget;) Christmas was awesome! We went to our Branch
Presidents house for breakfast and did some fun traditions with him and his
family. They do this thing where they hide one present and then in their
stocking is a clue to help them find it! Cool huh! We are totally doing that
next year!!! haha Then we picked up Liz! She's a less active that has been living
in a treatment center for I think 7 months now to help her fight alcoholism.
But she got to spend Christmas with us! We went to the Moss's and had a fun day
with her and got spoiled from Sister Moss. Liz reminded me how grateful I am
for the little things in life.. Like carbonation, tacos, banana splits, candy,
or simply just being able to choose what you want to eat!!! She also reminded
me of what a tender mercy it is to have the gospel in our lives. She reads 10
chapters a day in the scriptures because she has realized that by doing that
she is gaining so much spiritual strength which will help her conquer her
physical weaknesses. Let's just say I loved spending time with her!!! She is
The next day was
Boxing Day! So pretty much all of Bermuda is closed! haha we had a fun dinner
at the Mello-cann's and it was also Sister Moss's birthday!!!!!! Man I love her
SO much! She is amazing and I can't wait for you to meet her!! She has gone
through some very tough challenges lately and yet she still serves others and
puts her trust in God. Another tender mercy that happened was that we were
FINALLY able to meet with Kiwana and her family on Saturday!!! They are so cute
and love to talk about the gospel. Little kids really are so special and and SO
in tune with the spirit. No wonder we are all commanded to become little
children. We can learn so much if we will just swallow our pride and remember
who is really in charge:) Well I think that is everything! The Elders gave us a
soccer ball for Christmas so we are going to check it out today and play with
the Moss's grandkids who came to visit! FUN!!! I hope you all have a fantastic
New Year's Eve and a GREAT start to the New Year!!!!! Keep the prayers coming:)
haha love you all!!!!!
Love, Sister Meyer
This is the beach by
our Branch Presidents house. It was too rainy to eat breakfast there but we
still walked down to enjoy the ocean breeze! :) Happy New Year!!
Start it off right!!

Jan 6
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Well it's been another
great week here! Surprise surprise haha Hope you all had a wonderful New Years
and stayed warm and safe!!! I heard there have been some nasty storms in the
US. We are starting to get the wind and cold from them now... thanks a lot haha
So we celebrated New Years with the Mosses and an awesome member, Blarta, from
Albany. We played Farkle and Runs and Bunches and ate lots of snacks and just
had a great time!!! It was so strange to see Hamilton, the main town,
completely deserted on New Year's Day. It's like everyone hibernates on
holidays haha but we had fun! We made a big New Years Resolution box and took
it to town on Saturday and asked people to write down their resolutions on a
sticky note and stick it to the box! It was SOO fun! Most people really liked
it! haha and a lot of people wrote things about coming closer to God and stuff
which made me very happy:) that's the goal we all should have isn't it?!
Saturday we also
visited with Jahmella and we invited her to talk to Aaliyah with us about
getting baptized!! Jahmella was so funny because she was really nervous and was
like "can't I have a few days to prepare for this? I mean you guys get
trained and stuff!" haha but it was awesome!! Aaliyah is scheduled to get
baptized on February 1st!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! I am SUPER pumped for her! She
is a champ. We also had a movie night this weekend for the youth. It was like
going back to the good old days of mutual haha because of transportation issues
and stuff the youth don't have mutual which is SO sad because they need it
desperately! GO TO MUTUAL!!! It really does affect you more than you know. We
also taught the youth sunday school class this week and shared our testimonies
about our missions. With it being the new year I have been thinking a lot about
where I have come since my mission. I can't even begin to describe the amazing
change that has taken place and is currently taking place in my heart. The
Atonement is real. Having faith in the atonement and being humble and
willing to repent and change brings so much peace and happiness and progress.
It's the only way for us to really become who we were created to be!! And it's
the ONLY way back to our Heavenly Father!!! That is why it is so important that
we let people know about it!!! Can you imagine if you were trying to find your
way back home and you didn't have any map or directions and the people next to
you who had the map wouldn't share it?! Seriously. haha
So the church has an
awesome Mormon message for New Years and we used it a lot this week. Watch it
for family night okay?? I just love this time of year because so many people
are wanting to change. However, many people forget they don't have to wait a
whole stinkin year to do that!! The Atonement is available to us EVERY SINGLE
DAY! So why not use it? Why not set daily resolutions to help you become more
like Christ?? And then ask Heavenly Father to help you! I'm more than 100%
positive He wants to give you the challenges and opportunities that will
bring you closer to Him. He loves you more than you know:) And I love you
too. I LOVE YOU!!!!! Start your new year off right!! Say a prayer and then go
Love you!!
Sister Meyer

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Oh my dear I don't
know where to begin! This week was quite simply
wonderful. We had an awesome sisters conference that we were able to
Skype into and see the lovely sisters that I miss like crazy!! We
watched the talk "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. Part of it
was in the ensign a few months ago but we watched the whole talk and
it was incredible. Family night lesson? I think so! Haha you will love
it!! Please please watch it cause I don't have time to tell you
everything that I liked about it haha but here is my favorite part....
"Heaven won't be heaven for those who have not chosen to be heavenly."
Amen haha it's a great talk especially for right now since there will
be two Sister Meyers this week!! Woo woo! Good luck Michelle! I love
So this week we had two awesome lessons with Aalyiah! We played soccer
with her and some other kids and then invited everyone to participate
in the lesson. Its so cool to see little children learn. I love
teaching kids! Maybe it's because I don't have to be a scholar when I
teach them ha and I say that because we also had a lesson with a
friend of Sister Butterfields who is super intelligent and asks lots
of deep questions and I'm just very grateful I have Sister Kapisi here
to answer his questions ha cause I get a little lost sometimes. But
that's okay!! We also saw Omarla this week and invited her to baptized
on February 8th!! She said yes!!!!!!! Ahhhhh! She wants to begin a new
life this year and what better way to do that than to be baptized :)
she is so awesome. I cant tell you how many prayers I have said this
week for her to be baptized and every time I am reminded that this is
the lords work and everything will work out. Prayers are answered!!
Don't forget it. We had a visiting teaching workshop on Saturday and
had a great turn out! Even Marshalle came! Have I told you about
Marshalle? She is a less active we have been visiting every week since
I got here and I just love her. She has several physical and mental
challenges but she has such a good heart that wants to do what is
right. We stopped by this week with Sister Butterfield and she said
"you guys just keep showing up when I am frustrated or something bad
happens". She came to the activity and everyone was so happy to see
her! It was awesome!!! There were so many other little heavenly tender
mercies that happened this week. I wish I had time to share them all.
But it's super sunny today and we are going to go enjoy the sun while
we can!!! So I just want you to know I love you! You are in my
prayers! And if ever you are sad or upset, remember who is in charge.
He knows us perfectly. So trust Him. Be happy!! Be spiritually
healthy:) and in the words of Jahmella... Keep it real :)
Much love!!
Love, Sister Meyer
P.s we also watched these girls catch a fish right outside their
backyard! It was so cool!!
wonderful. We had an awesome sisters conference that we were able to
Skype into and see the lovely sisters that I miss like crazy!! We
watched the talk "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. Part of it
was in the ensign a few months ago but we watched the whole talk and
it was incredible. Family night lesson? I think so! Haha you will love
it!! Please please watch it cause I don't have time to tell you
everything that I liked about it haha but here is my favorite part....
"Heaven won't be heaven for those who have not chosen to be heavenly."
Amen haha it's a great talk especially for right now since there will
be two Sister Meyers this week!! Woo woo! Good luck Michelle! I love
So this week we had two awesome lessons with Aalyiah! We played soccer
with her and some other kids and then invited everyone to participate
in the lesson. Its so cool to see little children learn. I love
teaching kids! Maybe it's because I don't have to be a scholar when I
teach them ha and I say that because we also had a lesson with a
friend of Sister Butterfields who is super intelligent and asks lots
of deep questions and I'm just very grateful I have Sister Kapisi here
to answer his questions ha cause I get a little lost sometimes. But
that's okay!! We also saw Omarla this week and invited her to baptized
on February 8th!! She said yes!!!!!!! Ahhhhh! She wants to begin a new
life this year and what better way to do that than to be baptized :)
she is so awesome. I cant tell you how many prayers I have said this
week for her to be baptized and every time I am reminded that this is
the lords work and everything will work out. Prayers are answered!!
Don't forget it. We had a visiting teaching workshop on Saturday and
had a great turn out! Even Marshalle came! Have I told you about
Marshalle? She is a less active we have been visiting every week since
I got here and I just love her. She has several physical and mental
challenges but she has such a good heart that wants to do what is
right. We stopped by this week with Sister Butterfield and she said
"you guys just keep showing up when I am frustrated or something bad
happens". She came to the activity and everyone was so happy to see
her! It was awesome!!! There were so many other little heavenly tender
mercies that happened this week. I wish I had time to share them all.
But it's super sunny today and we are going to go enjoy the sun while
we can!!! So I just want you to know I love you! You are in my
prayers! And if ever you are sad or upset, remember who is in charge.
He knows us perfectly. So trust Him. Be happy!! Be spiritually
healthy:) and in the words of Jahmella... Keep it real :)
Much love!!
Love, Sister Meyer
P.s we also watched these girls catch a fish right outside their
backyard! It was so cool!!
image.jpegCream of the crop:)
Love is the Answer

Jan 27 (2 days ago)
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Okay I have realized I
keep forgetting to tell you things so I really hope I can remember everything
for this week! haha
Starting with the best
news ever... we had a nice chat with Aaliyah's dad yesterday with Sister
Smith and explained to him that she really is ready to be baptized and she
won't understand everything right now but she is committed and so spiritual. He
listened to us and said that he is okay with it so it's official now!!! Aaliyah
will be baptized on February 8th!!! I'm sooooooo excited for her! I really
love her a lot. She's amazing. We also talked with Omarla and she said she's
nervous to get baptized because she doesn't feel like she knows enough yet so
we postponed her date until March 1st which will be good because we
still need to help her keep commitments. BUT it was SO COOL when we taught
Omarla. We got on the bus and Sonjay, Kiwana Browns 9 year old son, saw us and
motioned for me to come sit by him. So we talked the whole ride about church
and baptism and life after death and he was asking me all sorts of questions
and he eventually came to Omarla's lesson with her little brother Devonte.
Devonte and Sonjay kept asking cute questions and finally by the end
they both begged to get baptized too and Devonte asked us to schedule
him in for the next baptismal date haha we laughed but really I was just
in awe at how spiritual these boys were. They have been sent at
this time for a reason and I know their spirits are so much stronger than
they realize. Hopefully we can help them catch a glimpse of who they
can become. After that night with Omarla the week continued to be wonderful. Thursday we
had lunch with Karina who made us lovely Peruvian food and then taught us a
Peruvian dance! It was awesome!!! haha crazy but awesome. That night we had our
first skype lesson with sister Kapisi's grandma! She's not a member but has
bible study with her friends every week so we joined them for bible study and
taught them a little bit about how much God loves us and how we know this is
because He has given us families, the gospel, and prophets! It was super cool!
I could tell Sister Kapisi was super nervous the whole day and then when we got
to the church to set up we forgot the keys and had to break into the church but
it turned out to be awesome! haha The spirit was felt even though we were
miles and miles away. It was cool! Friday we visited Rechai again and
it was SO good! He remembers the first vision from when he was taught 5 years
ago and asked us why it took us so long to come visit him. He really loves
learning. He is just so grateful and humble about life. I hope things continue
to progress for him. We finally got to meet with Anita again! She had her baby
so she is now at home and willing to let us visit. She has lots of questions
about different churches and really wants to find the truth. So that is
awesome! We had like an hour and a half lesson with her and we're going back
this week so I'm really hopeful for her too!!! Yay!! People actually wanting to
learn! It's amazing!!! haha We also met more people at Gulfstream, the
apartments where Jahmella lives, and they want us to come by this week.
Jahmella is a champ. She lives in such a hard area. But she keeps enduring and
sometimes that's all we can do :) During our lesson with her people started
yelling at each other outside and their mouths definitely needed soap in
them after all of the dirty words they used. It was sad. But
this past week I have been thinking a lot about love and then last night
we met with the sister training leaders over Skype and they had us watch The
Love of God by president Uchtdorf. It really confirmed the thoughts I had been
having about love and how important love is in every thing we do. As members of
the church "love should be our walk and our talk." Love will direct
us towards peace. If we truly love God we would obey Him and love others.
Love is the greatest motivator and I believe that with all of my heart. When
times get tough out here I just think about all of you and it motivates me to keep
going. Heavenly Father's love is so perfect even when we don't necessarily
deserve it. Love is just the answer for life! haha so keep that in mind this
week ya? Okay I love you and hope you are able to feel God's love every day.
It's there, we just need to look for it:) I love you!!
Sister Meyer :)
p.s. we went teaching
with sister smith last week and her car has difficulties going over hills which
is not good since there are hills everywhere so we ended up having to push her
car up a hill twice! haha it was so fun! I loved it! haha so in the words of
sister smith.... bye bye! :)